Before you can legally drive on your own you will need to pass both the theory and practical driving tests. Although we will cover a lot of the theory during your lessons it is advisable to study at home while taking lessons. There is a lot of study material available from book shops/online and many Apps on your smart phone. Go to the ‘links’ page and have a browse. Also if you find any other websites or Apps etc which you found particularly helpful tell me on the lessons, or email/text  me, so I can add it to the page.

You can take your theory test anytime once you have your Provisional license and reached 17 years old but it’s a good idea to study while taking lessons and then take the test. The theory seems more relevant then.

Once you have passed your theory you are eligible to apply for your practical test. When we apply for it will depend on your driving ability and we will discuss this on the lessons before applying to get the date right for you.  Choosing the date is crucial and getting this right will increase your chances of passing first time.

THEORY TEST:                      Book online HERE           Cost £25

The theory test is made up of two elements:

  1. 1.Multiple choice questions:      50 question with a pass mark of 43.

  2. 2.Hazard perception:                 14 video clips of 1 minute duration

PRACTICAL TEST:                 Book online HERE           Cost £62

The practical driving test is designed for you to show your practical driving skills and demonstrate an understanding of the rules and advice given in the Highway Code and the theory of driving. The test lasts for about 38/40 minutes and will include two show me /tell me questions, one driving manoeuvre and 10 minutes of independent driving. Some candidates (one in three) will be asked to carry out an emergency stop. Otherwise it is just general driving on all types of roads and junctions etc except motorways.

Throughout the test the examiner will be looking for an overall safe standard of driving. As you get nearer to test standard we will talk a lot more about the requirements of the test and what the examiners are looking for.

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